Sarasota Middle School Technology
Searching the Internet

Search Tips
Search for many words rather than just one.  For example, if you're searching for tech support for Windows 98 printing problems, a search on Windows 98 printers tech support help would find far more relevant information than a simple search on printers.

Search not only for your target words, but also for synonyms.  For example, instead of searching for just monitors, it's helpful to also search for the synonyms like displays and LCD.  Some engines even provide thesauruses expressly for identifying synonyms.

Search for a phrase of several words in exact order to filter out extraneous sites.  For example, asking Metcrawler to search for Florida history using the ?all" selector, will return hundreds of hits which have any reference to those two words.  However, if you use those same words, but change the selector to ?phrase,? the hits are reduced to about 35 which have those two words appearing together.

Many search engines let you specify precise phrases in quotes.  This comes in very handy when you want to narrow a search.  Check the Help section of the search engine for tips on narrowing a search.

Table of Contents
Search Engines
Teacher Resources