ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
interchange) - Standard code used by computers to represent
all Latin letters, numbers, and punctuation. |
au - Mac sound files. |
BBS - Electronic Bulletin Board
system. |
Backbone - A high-speed series
of connections that forms a major pathway within a network. |
Bandwidth - measurement of bits
per second sent through a connection. |
Binhex (BINary HEXadecimal) ? File
compression platfom for Macintosh. |
Bit-mapped graphics - Graphics
made of tiny squares represented by bits describing each square's color;
not suitable for scaling to larger sizes because they become jagged and
blocky when enlarged; also called raster graphics; one kind of bitmapped
file uses the bmp extension used by Windows. |
Bits per second (bps) - A measurement
of data transmission speeds; similar to, but not always the same as baud
rate; for example: 56.6Kps=Kilobits per second or 56,6oobps. |
Bookmark - Used in a browser (Netscape)
for quick return to an often-visited web site. IE refers to bookmarks
as Favorites. |
Browser - Software program used
to view the WWW (Netscape or Internet Explorer). |